Source code for staintools.normalization.macenko

from __future__ import division

from .normalizer_abc import FancyNormalizer
from ..utils import misc as mu
import numpy as np

[docs]class MacenkoNormalizer(FancyNormalizer): """ Stain normalization based on the method of: M. Macenko et al., ‘A method for normalizing histology slides for quantitative analysis’, in 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 2009, pp. 1107–1110. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.target_concentrations = None
[docs] def fit(self, target): """ Fit to a target image. :param target: Image RGB uint8. :return: """ if self.standardize: target = mu.standardize_brightness(target) self.stain_matrix_target = self.get_stain_matrix(target) self.target_concentrations = self.get_concentrations(target, self.stain_matrix_target)
[docs] def transform(self, I): """ Transform an image. :param I: Image RGB uint8. :return: """ if self.standardize: I = mu.standardize_brightness(I) stain_matrix_source = self.get_stain_matrix(I) source_concentrations = self.get_concentrations(I, stain_matrix_source) maxC_source = np.percentile(source_concentrations, 99, axis=0).reshape((1, 2)) maxC_target = np.percentile(self.target_concentrations, 99, axis=0).reshape((1, 2)) source_concentrations *= (maxC_target / maxC_source) return (255 * np.exp(-1 *, self.stain_matrix_target).reshape(I.shape))).astype( np.uint8)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_stain_matrix(I, beta=0.15, alpha=1): """ Get the stain matrix (2x3). First row H and second row E. See the original paper for details. :param I: Image RGB uint8. :param beta: :param alpha: :return: """ OD = mu.RGB_to_OD(I).reshape((-1, 3)) OD = (OD[(OD > beta).any(axis=1), :]) _, V = np.linalg.eigh(np.cov(OD, rowvar=False)) V = V[:, [2, 1]] if V[0, 0] < 0: V[:, 0] *= -1 if V[0, 1] < 0: V[:, 1] *= -1 That =, V) phi = np.arctan2(That[:, 1], That[:, 0]) minPhi = np.percentile(phi, alpha) maxPhi = np.percentile(phi, 100 - alpha) v1 =, np.array([np.cos(minPhi), np.sin(minPhi)])) v2 =, np.array([np.cos(maxPhi), np.sin(maxPhi)])) if v1[0] > v2[0]: HE = np.array([v1, v2]) else: HE = np.array([v2, v1]) return mu.normalize_rows(HE)