Source code for staintools.normalization.normalizer_abc

Normalizer abstract base classes

from __future__ import division

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from ..utils import misc as mu
import spams
import numpy as np

[docs]class Normaliser(ABC): """ Abstract base class for normalizers. Defines some necessary methods to be considered a normalizer. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.standardize = kwargs['standardize'] if 'standardize' in kwargs.keys() else True if self.standardize: print('Using brightness standardization') else: print('Not standardizing brightness')
[docs] @abstractmethod def fit(self, target): """Fit the normalizer to an target image"""
[docs] @abstractmethod def transform(self, I): """Transform an image to the target stain"""
[docs]class FancyNormalizer(Normaliser): """ Abstract class for a 'fancy' normalizer (inherits from Normalizer). Adds methods for stain matrix and source concentration estimation. """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.stain_matrix_target = None
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_stain_matrix(self, I, *args): """Estimate stain matrix given an image and relevant method parameters"""
[docs] @staticmethod def get_concentrations(I, stain_matrix, lamda=0.01): """ Get the concentration matrix. Suppose the input image is H x W x 3 (uint8). Define Npix = H * W. Then the concentration matrix is Npix x 2 (or we could reshape to H x W x 2). The first element of each row is the Hematoxylin concentration. The second element of each row is the Eosin concentration. We do this by 'solving' OD = C*S (Matrix product) where OD is optical density (Npix x 3),\ C is concentration (Npix x 2) and S is stain matrix (2 x 3). See docs for spams.lasso. We restrict the concentrations to be positive and penalise very large concentration values,\ so that background pixels (which can not easily be expressed in the Hematoxylin-Eosin basis) have \ low concentration and thus appear white. :param I: Image. A np array HxWx3 of type uint8. :param stain_matrix: a 2x3 stain matrix. First row is Hematoxylin stain vector, second row is Eosin stain vector. :return: The Nx2 concentration matrix, where N=H*W is number of pixels. """ OD = mu.RGB_to_OD(I).reshape((-1, 3)) # convert to optical density and flatten to (H*W)x3. return spams.lasso(OD.T, D=stain_matrix.T, mode=2, lambda1=lamda, pos=True).toarray().T
[docs] def fit(self, target): """ Fit to a target image. :param target: Target image RGB uint8. :return: """ if self.standardize: target = mu.standardize_brightness(target) self.stain_matrix_target = self.get_stain_matrix(target)
[docs] def transform(self, I): """ Transform an image. :param I: Image RGB uint8. :return: """ if self.standardize: I = mu.standardize_brightness(I) stain_matrix_source = self.get_stain_matrix(I) source_concentrations = self.get_concentrations(I, stain_matrix_source) assert stain_matrix_source.min() >= 0 assert source_concentrations.min() >= 0 return (255 * np.exp(-1 *, self.stain_matrix_target).reshape(I.shape))).astype( np.uint8)
[docs] def fetch_target_stains(self): """ Fetch the target stain matrix and convert from OD to RGB. Must call fit first (this builds the stain matrix). :return: """ assert self.stain_matrix_target is not None, 'Run fit method first' return mu.OD_to_RGB(self.stain_matrix_target)
[docs] def hematoxylin(self, I): """ Hematoxylin channel extraction. :param I: Image RGB uint8. :return: """ if self.standardize: I = mu.standardize_brightness(I) h, w, c = I.shape stain_matrix_source = self.get_stain_matrix(I) source_concentrations = self.get_concentrations(I, stain_matrix_source) H = source_concentrations[:, 0].reshape(h, w) H = np.exp(-1 * H) return H